Monday, April 16, 2012

First Day of Work

For our first day at work in Tanzania, we started bright and early with a meeting at EARD-CI's office located about half an hour away. We were delighted to have Naomi from the office give us a ride to the office and plan out a schedule for the next three weeks. After meeting some really cool workers, we set out to get started on our project by visiting two villages EARD-CI has vicoba's in (village community banks). 

These community banks are run by 20-30 community members who select their own leaders and rules. EARD-CI helps in the formulation of these banks and keeps them running smoothly. EARD-CI has created and maintained 22 of these bank community banks. We hope to be working with some select communities to implement the briquetting project. 

For the first vicoba we visited, we spoke about our projects and what the community members could do to prepare for a demonstration session next week. They were excited to see the briquette making process in action and happily said goodbye. We then enjoyed a tanzanian lunch with some office members and headed out for the second vicoba. 

Misha and I fell asleep on the way, and woke up refreshed in a completely different area. The second village was flat, dry, and had few plants which was much unlike the green, hilly Arusha and other areas we've been to. The vicoba was having some issues with money and lending so we waited outside. Soon a boy herding goats came and sat by us. Julie Ann and I watched him quietly for a bit while Misha busied himself by digging up a rock. After a bit, we approached the boy. Misha first tried to talk to him but he didn't respond. After, Julie Ann made a paper crane and Misha made him a paper airplane that didn't fly. I fixed up the plane and we gave the paper toys to him. He closely examined his gifts. It was then time to talk to the members of the second group. We said hi (shikamo) and then headed back to EARD-CI's office. 

There, we met Edith and headed out for a wonderful dinner. We finally made it back to the hostel by 8 and are now preparing for tomorrow. We anticipate another busy and productive day tomorrow!

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